Squeeze Cash launches relief effort for SVG
April 16, 2021

Squeeze Cash launches relief effort for SVG

SQUEEZE CASH Inc, a multi-currency app operation, said it has launched a relief fund to provide direct assistance to those who have been affected by the ongoing La Soufriere eruption in SVG.

Squeeze Cash said in a release that as the number one multi currency app in the Caribbean and the diaspora set up to handle transfers of 12 different currencies, it is uniquely positioned to process funds for aid.

The operation said it intends to use relief funds donated to purchase crucial items such as water, baby diapers, and food, along with supplying the transportation and delivery team for distribution to locations where the need is greatest.

“As a Vincentian born and raised, it is imperative for us to be able to use our technology to assist my people in this time of need,” co-founder and CEO of Squeeze Cash, Kenrick Quashie said.

“With Squeeze Cash we are not only launching this fund, but will also waive all cash-out fees for any SVG personal,

merchant, or NGO accounts in the aftermath of this disaster. Anyone can send funds instantly from virtually anywhere in the world so your friends and family in St. Vincent can avoid standing in lines for hours every day”.

Squeeze Cash Co-Founder and Chief Product Officer Ashley McLean , said that with “our latest update, you can not only send and receive funds, but now you can top up airtime for your SVG friends and family from anywhere at any time to their Digicel or Flow mobile numbers.

“We’re making it easier than ever to stay connected, we know how important keeping in touch as the news is constantly changing”.