SVG and CDB resolved issue of mis-procurement
DANIEL BEST, the CDB Director of Projects
February 14, 2020

SVG and CDB resolved issue of mis-procurement

THE GOVERNMENT of St Vincent and the Grenadines and the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), have resolved the matter concerning the declaration of mis-procurement in 2019, that led persons to question the transparency of this administration.

So says Daniel Best, the Director of Projects at the CDB.

“That matter, we have discussed with the Government of St Vincent; that has been resolved. The government of St Vincent and CDB are on the same page, and we are moving forward,” Best said in an interview with SEARCHLIGHT this week.

It was announced in July 2019, that a mis-procurement had been declared by the financial institution, for the Yarabaqua River Defence project, which was awarded to Reliable Construction Services Limited, through a tendering process.

The declaration followed a letter of objection by an unsuccessful tenderer, Bally and Bally Investments Inc, whose Managing Director, Cameron Balcombe, alleged “a false declaration made in their (Reliable Construction Services Ltd) forms or

unlawful and unfair intervention by someone of influence on their behalf”.

And allegations of corruption and fraud were hurled at the Government and the Tenders Board as a result of the CDB’s declaration of mis-procurement in relation to the project.

Best, on Tuesday, chose not to comment on whether the Government was at fault in the matter as both parties had already resolved those issues.

Instead, he noted that the Bank has “one of the most robust portfolios in the region in St Vincent and the Grenadines.

“We disbursed the most funds to St Vincent in the last year, and, we are excited about the relationship we have with the Government of St Vincent and the Grenadines and we are moving forward to ensure that the projects we have there now are implemented to continue to support the development agenda of the Government,” Best said.