UWI Open Campus  marks 70th anniversary with ‘Our UWI, Our Music’
March 26, 2019

UWI Open Campus marks 70th anniversary with ‘Our UWI, Our Music’

The University of the West Indies (UWI) Open Campus St Vincent will this weekend host a musical play in celebration of the 70th Anniversary of the University.

The event, dubbed ‘Our UWI Our Music’ will be held on Saturday, March 30, at 7.00pm, at the St Vincent and the Grenadines Community College.

This event aims to highlight a particular genre of Vincentian music or cultural expression for each of the seven decades of the UWI’s existence. The evening is designed to be a fun-filled experience, featuring musical artistes, dancers, poets and comedians who will take the audience on a cultural journey as the UWI celebrates 70 years of Pelican Pride.

Past Heads of Site / Resident Tutors of the local campus will be honoured for their contribution to the University and to our country.  

Proceeds from this event will go towards funding bursaries for Open Campus students in St Vincent and the Grenadines, as the Open Campus continue to make higher education affordable and accessible to everyone.