Greiggs community hosts annual Garifuna heritage festival
The Greiggs Central Playing Field as it was at last year’s Garifuna heritage festival
March 13, 2019

Greiggs community hosts annual Garifuna heritage festival

The customs and practices of the Garifuna people, will be brought to life this Thursday, March 14, National Heroes Day, when the Greiggs Garifuna Council, in conjunction with other organisations in the community, hosts its annual Garifuna Heritage Festival.

The baking of the cassava bread, which forms part of the Garifuna cuisine

The main activities of the festival, which is into its ninth year, will take place at the Greiggs Central Playing Field.

Once again, the playing field will be transformed into a typical tribal Garifuna village, with cayo huts, as well as wattle and daub huts.

Also on show would be attire of the Garifuna people, along with a wide array of cuisine and craft.

The proceedings, which is set to get going just after midday, will have cultural performances and the recognition of persons who made contributions to the Greiggs community.

Greiggs got its name from Fannie Greig, a Garifuna woman, who history states was kidnapped as a baby, Captain William Greigg, a British soldier.