Vincentian diaspora in Toronto donates medical supplies
The Members of the SVG Toronto Support Group and the SVG Toronto Association continue to spearhead charitable contributions in the Diaspora.
Several medical items including mattresses, blood pressure monitors, pampers and other medical supplies were delivered to the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital (MCMH) at a ceremony held on Friday December, 21, 2018 at the Atrium of the Hospital.
Several Government Officials and Hospital staff were there to witness the handover of the items.
The ceremony was chaired by Senior Foreign Service Officer within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Commerce, R. Tamira L.V.
Browne. Cuthbert Knights, Permanent Secretary within the Ministry of Health, Wellness and the Environment presented the welcome remarks and expressed sincere gratitude for the contributions.
Remarks were also given by representatives of the SVG Toronto Support Group & SVG Toronto Association, and Fitzgerald Huggins, Consul General in the Consulate of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines in Toronto.
Sister Grace Walters, the Hospital Administrator, on behalf of the Minister of Health, Wellness and the Environment and the Government of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ended the ceremony with a heartfelt vote of thanks to the donors for their generous contributions.
The Ministry will continue to partner and work with organisations in the Diaspora through its Missions and Consulates for the continual development of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.