Police Credit Union rewards over 200 Junior Savers with Kindle Fire tablets
OVER 200 JUNIOR savers of the Police Co-operative Credit Union (PCCU) received tablets on Monday as a reward for completing the 2018 Junior Savers Challenge.
SOME OF THE Amazon Kindle Fire tablets that were handed out to the Junior Savers
The Junior Savers Challenge has been held for the past five years, where Junior Savers take up the challenge of saving $1 or more per week, from the beginning to the end of the year.
Successful challengers are awarded with a tablet.
“We started off with over 300 persons, children in the challenge account and today we have 229 persons who have successfully completed the challenge and this is indeed a memorious occasion and must be commended,” Ayanna Samuel, the manager of the PCCU said. “We are encouraging the parents to continue to urge their children to continue to save for them, to put some sort of saving facility in place for your children as we know they have to save for wet days and it’s always encouraged when we can start saving at an early age.”
AYANNA SAMUEL, the manager of the PCCU
President of the PCCU, Horace Williams also commended the junior savers for having successfully completed the challenge.
Williams revealed that the credit union has distributed over 600 tablets since the start of the challenge. And he encouraged the children take care of their gadgets and to “not only to use them as toys to play games but let it be educational”.
PRESIDENT OF the PCCU, Horace Williams
He said that the board considered changing the challenge prize but decided against it as persons were looking forward to receiving tablets. But he encouraged parents to submit suggestions for different prizes for future challenges.