Leo Club St Vincent holds Literacy Day book drive
September 16, 2016

Leo Club St Vincent holds Literacy Day book drive

The Leo Club St Vincent and the Caricom Youth Ambassadors SVG came together on Thursday, September 8, International Literacy Day, to distribute more than 1,000 books gathered in a book drive, to help promote the importance of literacy.{{more}}

Contributions were made by several bookstores, as well as members of the public. The organizations were especially grateful for the generosity of Davies Giftes, the Nightingale Bookstore, Gaymes Book Centre, Teachers Co-operative Credit Union Bookstore, Coreas City Store, Grand Bazaar, LG Enterprises and Jax Enterprises.

The books were donated to several schools and institutions, namely: the Barrouallie Government School, Barrouallie Anglican School, Kingstown Anglican School, Belmont Primary School, Buccament Bay Secondary and Intermediate High.

The various representatives of the schools expressed their appreciation for the books, which comprised textbooks, as well as literature appropriate for the various age groups and indicated they would be well utilized.

An additional donation will also be made at a subsequent date to the paediatric ward at the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital.