September 9, 2016

Banks announce new banking hours for Fridays

The Bankers Association of St Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) has announced new banking hours, beginning next month.

A release from the Association said effective Friday, October 7, 2016, the new Friday banking hours will be from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.{{more}}

“This change in hours of operation which takes effect from Friday, 7th October 2016, represents the harmonization of banking hours in territories across the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union (ECCU). From this effective date all member banks in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines will share similar operating hours as the rest of the ECCU banks. Banking hours from Monday to Thursday, however, remain the same.

“Customers are encouraged to continue to utilize the alternative convenience banking services inclusive of online banking, mobile banking, automated teller machines (ATMs) and debit and credit cards and electronic payroll services offered by all member banks,” the release said.