Retired educator publishes  mind-blowing memoir
July 1, 2016

Retired educator publishes mind-blowing memoir

INFLAMED: The Testimony of a Modern Prodigal – The Modern Christian Series #2 is the second in the series of non-fiction literature written by Dr Westwick Abijah Williams. In this powerful and incredible, mind-blowing memoir, he tells of his spiritual journey.

Brought up in a Pentecostal home, he grew up an ardent, committed, and conscientious Christian. Becoming a Seventh-Day Adventist only confirmed his oneness with Christ.{{more}} But through naively befriending all and sundry, and indiscriminate reading, he fell into sin. Seven years of resistance were followed by seven years of practice. His sinful experiences were so horrendous and became so entrenched that, in the end, the Holy Spirit departed from him for seven days. But, like Nebuchadnezzar, his reason returned and the prodigal was reunited with the Father.

It is at this juncture that the Bible story becomes dramatic reality. The Holy Spirit returns to him in a “rushing mighty wind” phenomenon, as it did with the apostles. On several occasions, the Lord audibly spoke to him, as he did to Moses or Samuel. And Jehovah actually declared a covenant with him that began to be fulfilled almost immediately, continuing with stunning momentum. The embrace, the feast, the best robe, the shoes, the fatted calf, the merriment, are all paralleled in practical experiences of this modern prodigal. This book is a must read for all Christians.

His books in The Modern Christian Series represent the fruits of these experiences, and are messages from God to his global Elect. For information relating to INFLAMED, or its predecessor, CHRISTIANITY IN CRISIS, call Mr Williams at 456-8627, or 496-9940, or 531-4280.