2016 SVGS graduates  urged not to forget  those who helped them
June 28, 2016

2016 SVGS graduates urged not to forget those who helped them

The St Vincent Grammar School’s Class of 2016 was encouraged throughout their graduation ceremony on Wednesday to dream, believe and achieve.

The Graduation and Prize-giving Ceremony, held at the Kingstown Methodist Church on Wednesday, saw 121 young men graduate from the prestigious institution.{{more}}

In his report, headmaster of the school Curtis King congratulated and encouraged the class to pursue their dreams.

“To the Class of 2016, I say congratulations for making it thus far. We have prepared you to transfer your dreams to reality. We have prepared you to believe in yourselves and taught you how to use your talents to achieve your goals. You are now ready for the next phase in your life,” he said.

He also reminded them to acknowledge God and remember the values they learned while they were students of the Grammar School.

“On your way forward, continue to embrace the core values of your Alma Mater… those values of discipline, dedication, excellence, integrity, respect and responsibility. Remember also to acknowledge God Almighty for He will direct your part. Wherever you go, whatever you do, always remember that life is short, so enjoy it to the fullest.”

The featured speaker of this year’s ceremony was former head boy of the school Joel Richards.

Richards, who is a senior advisor of the Caribbean Secretariat Office of Trade Negotiations (OTN), credited his Alma Mater for playing a pivotal role in his life and in keeping with this year’s graduation theme, “Dream, Believe, Achieve”, told the boys that they do not need permission from anyone to dream big.

“Do not let anyone place limitations on you. You do not need permission from anyone to dream big and to do amazing things with your life,” he said.

Richards, who revealed that he knows what it feels like to be nervous about the future, told the boys that everything would be fine.

“Naturally you may be nervous, anxious or even fearful as you contemplate job prospects, scholarships and tuition money. However, I was there too and I assure you that everything is going to be just fine.”

He also noted how his faith in God has helped through difficult times and encouraged the boys to always remember the people who helped them to achieve their dreams.

“I also encourage you to never let fleeting moments of hardship cloud your vision of the life that you want for yourself… Let hardship and disappointment drive you to want more and better for yourself and those around you,” said Richards.

“It is my faith in Him and his steadfast love for me that have kept me every step of the way. As the mountains got higher and the valleys lower, my faith in Jesus kept telling me that everything was going to turn out alright and I honestly believed it.

“When you get to where you want go, I urge you to always remember those who helped to make it possible,” he added.

Coming to the end of his address, Richards said that while it is okay to dream, dreams would not come to fruition unless the boys get moving.

“While dreams are lovely, dreams by themselves are just that…dreams. You have to get up out of bed and you have to do. It is okay to dream, but you also have to get moving to make things happen,” he said.

He ended by telling the class again to pursue their dreams.

“Class of 2016, you have the whole world ahead of you. Keep calm and pursue your dreams.”(CA)