SVG ranks second in regional tourism index ranking report
June 21, 2016

SVG ranks second in regional tourism index ranking report

St Vincent and the Grenadines can now boast of being ranked second overall among 28 Caribbean countries in the 2016 Caribbean Tourism Quality Index.

This was announced last Wednesday, June 15, at a media briefing, hosted by the Ministry of Tourism, Sports and Culture and the SVG Tourism Authority (SVGTA).

Chief executive officer of the SVGTA Glen Beache said that he is very pleased with the outcome,{{more}} but also acknowledged that more can be done to further improve SVG’s tourism output.

St Martin placed first in the survey.

“We were pleasantly surprised at how well St Vincent and the Grenadines did… [The report] basically gave a ranking of the Caribbean countries in terms of everything.”

Reading from the report, Beache stated: “Tied for second overall in our index ranking, St Vincent and the Grenadines is a sanctuary for boaters; boasting some of the most gorgeous scenery in the Caribbean, across a string of [32] emerald volcanic islands…”

The ranking index measures the performance and competitiveness of Caribbean Tourism Organization’s member countries – looking at the delivery of the most quality experiences per 100,000 visitors.

The index report, which is conducted annually by Resonance Consultancy, further broke down its ranking index to rank SVG second in terms of culture, seventh in terms of entertainment, first for sight-seeing, third for sports and adventure, third for culinary, first for lodging, 23rd for activities and 21st for safety.

“We’re very happy about it!” he enthused.

“They said that when they did their research, a lot of people had great things to say about St Vincent and the Grenadines. Obviously, access to St Vincent and the Grenadines is a problem, and is a huge problem, which turns them off quite a bit – especially if you’re looking at people coming out of North America.”

Beache added that given this knowledge, he does not understand why persons are still debating whether the international airport, that is presently being constructed, is necessary or not.

“In case many people forget… this industry is the number one foreign exchange earner. In order for tourism to grow, Argyle International Airport is greatly needed for us to move forward. Not only in terms of tourism, but the airport will also help in terms of business… and also in terms of investment.”

He further pointed out: “No matter your political persuasion, it’s time to get on board with it.”

Beache reiterated that the international airport is vital for the “continued development” of St Vincent and the Grenadines.

“I think we’re heading in the right direction… We have a lot more to do, but we will continue to work and do our best in terms of moving forward.”

Resonance Consultancy is a world-leading destination development, branding and marketing company operating out of Vancouver and New York.

According to the company, the annual Caribbean Tourism Quality Index ranks “destinations based on the way leisure travellers themselves experience and evaluate destinations” and is designed to “help destinations understand, evaluate and manage the supply side of their offer.” (JSV)