‘There’s a time for  everything’ – Top Mathematics  Performer
June 17, 2016

‘There’s a time for everything’ – Top Mathematics Performer

Kwesi James, this year’s top performer in the Mathematics component of the Caribbean Primary Exit Assessment (CPEA) says that to do well in exams, one must know that there is a time for everything.

“Study hard and listen to your teachers and remember that there is a time for everything and after you finish your exams you can play, but before that, you have to study and focus on your work,” is the advice Kwesi offers to students who are aspiring to do well at the CPEA.{{more}}

Kwesi, who lives at North Union and sat the CPEA as a student of the Union Methodist School scored 98 per cent in Mathematics. The 11-year-old placed 13th for boys and 18th overall and had 88 per cent for Language and 94 per cent for science.

“The scores were very good, but I thought I would get better especially in Language Arts. I feel good about it but I was aiming for 100 for maths which is my favourite subject”, said Kwesi who thinks that he lost marks on the maths exams for a question relating to time.

“I would like to thank my teacher Miss [Cathy] Ryan, Miss Bentick and Mr John and my parents Salome James and Kesworth James and God. Without God I would not be able to do it,” noted Kwesi who plays cricket, takes part in athletics and wants to attend the St Vincent Grammar School (SVGS).

Teacher Shantal Bentick said that they always expected Kwesi to do well because he was consistent throughout his primary school life.

Head Teacher at the Union Methodist School Sheldon Goviah told SEARCHLIGHT that the pass rate at the school was 77 per cent. He revealed that 39 students sat the exams and 30 passed.

“I think we could have done better but we had some problems with students not bringing in their assignments and that threw off some of them. If that was done … the pass mark would have been better”, said Goviah.(LC)