NAS launches ‘Catch the Vibe, Not the Virus’ Carnival promoion
June 14, 2016

NAS launches ‘Catch the Vibe, Not the Virus’ Carnival promoion

With the carnival season fast approaching, the National AIDS Secretariat (NAS) has launched its Carnival promotion under the theme “Catch the Vibe, Not the Virus.”

Speaking at the launch last week, Azonya Vanloo stated that because of high alcohol consumption and lyrics riddled with sexual innuendo, the instances of high-risk sexual encounters increase.{{more}}

“The consequences of these choices and behavior can be negative, long-lasting and regrettable.” She noted that the approach taken by the NAS is culturally sensitive, in the hope of preventing the sexual transmission of HIV.

“Our approach aims to raise public awareness of HIV, provide additional testing services and encourage consistent use of condoms,” Vanloo stated.

With over 1,504 persons living with HIV and 1,252 of them being between 15 and 49, there is an alarming need for more awareness of the topic of HIV, Vanloo said.

“The statistics you heard earlier reflect an alarming transmission rate in the youth population; this at risk group is most likely to be the one engaging in high-risk sexual behaviours throughout the Carnival.”

Adverts will be distributed by way of electronic billboards, television, social media, text blasts and on radio. Condoms will be distributed by members of the NAS during various Carnival events and on the road Carnival Monday.

Vanloo noted that while the NAS is making its best effort, they would not be able to reach as many people as they wish, mainly due to inadequate finances.

“We would also like to take this opportunity to invite the private sector and other corporate entities to support upcoming campaigns and collaborate with us for next year’s Carnival…,” she said.

She encouraged persons to take advantage of the services being offered and to be ever cognizant that it only takes one high-risk sexual encounter for one to get affected.

“We truly want people to enjoy this year’s Carnival festivities, but as much as possible, we encourage persons to do so responsibly,” Vanloo noted.

Also speaking at Tuesday’s launch was Sister Ferosa Roache, director of the Ministry of Health’s HIV and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) programme. She noted that the campaign is part of the unit’s strategic objective for 2016-2018, to develop and implement appropriate, comprehensive gender sensitive targeted prevention programmes to prevent sexual transmission of HIV.

“In light of experience, it is increasingly being recognized that the HIV epidemic is a public health problem which concerns not only the medical sector, but above all the entire country,” Roache pointed out.

She noted that with Carnival being an age-old tradition and young persons partaking in the festivities, it is important to raise the awareness of HIV, especially at this time.(CM)