SVG, ROC sign ICT  project agreements
June 10, 2016

SVG, ROC sign ICT project agreements

The Government of St Vincent and the Grenadines and the Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) have signed off on a US$1.5 million Information and Communication Technology (ICT) project.

On Tuesday, the ‘Cooperation in Information and Communication Technology’ and ‘Electronic Document and Records Management System (EDRMS) agreements were signed at the Cabinet room by Taiwanese Ambassador Baushuan Ger and Minister of Economic Planning, Sustainable Development, Industry, Information and Labour Camillo Gonsalves.{{more}}

“The project, once built, will increase efficiency and effectiveness, reduce redundancy and strengthen security on governmental document processing and transmission,” Ger told reporters.

According to him, this new project aims to build an intra-agency digital document interchange network among governmental agencies at different levels.

Ger further stated that under the project, agencies involved would establish four common systems: namely an electronic document management system, an information security management mechanism, an electronic document processing system and a certificate registration management system.

He added that government employees of the participating agencies will receive training for the operation, management and maintenance of the four systems.

The ambassador disclosed that the project would be managed by David Fu, who was dispatched by Taiwanese government after his involvement in bilateral ICT projects in Belize, St Kitts and Nevis, El Salvador, and Nicaragua. He also assisted in the electronic document systems in St Lucia and Swaziland.

“I am therefore very proud to say that David is the right person to join us here to work for the new project, with the best team under Minister Gonsalves’ guidance.”

When he spoke, the minister expressed thanks for the opportunity to sign what he says were two very important agreements that will have immense practical importance in the way in which the Government does business and the efficiency of the Government in the way we handle information.

He said the Government recognizes the need to ensure that it moves quickly to a system that enables smarter management of digital information.

Gonsalves recalled massive piles of folders, files and papers that are often-times rotting and often-times difficult to access in the ministries, unless there is someone who has the particular knowledge of where to find the necessary files.

“We have to get past that, particularly in a digital age when everyone is communicating digitally” he asserted.

According to Gonsalves, the agreements would help the Government to bring its document management systems and the efficiency of the state into the 21st century.

The Minister disclosed that the sum of $1.5 million US dollars would be provided by Taiwan as a grant, in order to introduce and build an electronic document process management system within the Ministry of Finance, Foreign Affairs and the Service Commissions Department.

Gonsalves said the three were selected because they are identified as among the heaviest users of electronic data, because they cut across all other ministries and departments of government and it is critical to enhance the capabilities of public servants within the pilot ministries to operate and maintain the systems.

He added that projects have a finite lifespan and it is envisaged that when the project ends there would be capabilities within the pilot ministries and capacity to “roll out the electronic management of data systems throughout the public service.

The minister encouraged the full engagement of the senior management in the pilot ministries and departments and the commitment to dedicate the requisite personnel and time that would be necessary to implement the project successfully.

Gonsalves said he hopes that through the project, the management of the country’s electronic data would be significantly enhanced and that the friendship and cooperation between the two countries would be further strengthened. (AS)