April 26, 2016

SVG Beekeepers Association holds 4th annual general meeting

In keeping with their constitution, the St Vincent and the Grenadines Beekeepers Association held its fourth annual meeting on April 12, 2016.

The meeting took place at the Forestry headquarters in Campden Park, and saw a turnout of 23 members from mainland St Vincent and Bequia.{{more}}

President Beverly Reddock chaired the meeting, guiding members through a 13-item agenda and outlining the main activities of the association for the period under review.

These included: technical training for young prospects now attending the technical division of the SVG Community College and association members who wished to become proficient in the rearing of queen bees.

She also brought members up to date with the progress of the project ‘Growth and Sustainable Development of Beekeeping in SVG’, which received part funding from the Australian Direct Aid Programme.

Additionally, members were informed that the executive had negotiated and purchased the inventory of beekeeping supplies from Shepherds Limited, now part of the OSV Group.

Allan Williams, the association’s resource person within the Ministry of Agriculture reported on the status of the beekeeping industry in SVG, which includes the following:

No. of beekeepers in SVG — 64

No. of apiaries — 45

No. of colonies in said apiaries: 550

Estimated honey production (2015) — 1,138 gallons

Honey production value — EC$273,000

Estimated annual national honey consumption/demand — 1,600 gallons (valued at EC$384,000)

Markets exported to — Barbados, Canada, Antigua

Other potential markets: Martinique and the UK

Estimated Start-up cost for beginners: EC$2,100

Retail price — $40 – 55 per 750 ml bottle

Other critical issues were discussed, with particular regard to the way forward for the association.

Among the up-coming events will be the Caribbean Beekeepers Conference — which will be hosted in Tobago — and a visit to SVG by a Canadian beekeeper with expertise in queen bee rearing.