Flow donates fans, repaints Kingstown Anglican School
November 3, 2015

Flow donates fans, repaints Kingstown Anglican School

Pupils and teachers of the Kingstown Anglican School are operating in a much more comfortable environment today, following the donation of a set of fans to the school.

The fans were donated to the school last Friday by cable television and broadband provider Flow, whose employees also repainted the interior of the school’s Bay Street location and the ground floor of the building’s exterior.{{more}}

Flow’s employees extended their generosity to the primary school in keeping with ‘Mission Day’, which was observed across all Cable and Wireless Communication companies across the region.

“We reached out to the school to find out what needed to be done…we realized after…that the school needed some refurbishments, like painting; we also realized that the school is quite humid and hot, so what we did…we decided we would paint over a section of the school,” Corey Garret, marketing and communications manager of Flow told SEARCHLIGHT.

He also noted that because of the heat and humidity of the school, they also decided to outfit the school with fans.

Garret also indicated that because of the teams’ efficient and hard work they were able to finish what they initially intended to do and also repaint the ground floor of the exterior of the school.

“We are actually very proud and very happy with that; the entire team came out.”

The marketing and communications manager also explained that Mission Day is about employees working on four main values, which include respecting and trusting each other, working as one team, serving the customers with passion, and striving to be the best.

“Mission Day is all about rolling out the new values and mission statement of the new company; we want to integrate and we want to use this to help us integrate as a new company, to articulate our business purpose, to establish governing principles about how we operate and work as a team as a collaborative effort,” Garret said.

Saying that he is extremely proud of his team, Garret added that they set out to make a connection with their community.

“We are here to connect with the community, our direct neighbours, of course, being the school, the kids in the school, and try to find a way where we can enable the kids to be working in a happy, safe environment that is conducive to learning.”(CM)