July 17, 2015

IT applications being produced to address business problems

The Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB) is collaborating with Quintessence Consulting, e-Caribbean and other partners to spearhead an OECS Business Solutions Think Tank and Hackathon over the period August 14 to 15.

The Business Solutions Think Tank and Hackathon will bring together youth, teachers, business owners, business associations’ representatives, IT technocrats, thought leaders, and business professionals from across the ECCU via videoconference {{more}} to brainstorm and develop and produce real functioning IT application solutions to challenges faced by the private and public sectors.

The forum seeks to enrich, invigorate and strengthen business strategy through the development of functioning Information Technology (IT) applications that address real business issues in the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union (ECCU) which will be identified via survey.

The resulting perspectives, ideas and proposed application solutions will have the potential of being catalysts to invigorate businesses to move ahead further and faster.

Prizes for the Best Hackathon app will be awarded as follows: 1st Place – EC$3,500; 2nd Place – EC$2,500; 3rd Place – EC$1,000.

The ECCB, Quintessence Consulting, e-Caribbean and other partners view this forum as another step towards the vision of developing an entrepreneurial, innovative, competitive and technologically transformed business sector.