Rose Hall Primary hosts first Career Day
June 30, 2015

Rose Hall Primary hosts first Career Day

Organizers of the first ever Career Day at the Rose Hall Primary School are hailing the event a success.

Recently, the atmosphere at the school was one of excitement, as students from the school temporarily replaced their school uniforms with their favourite career outfits.{{more}}

There were doctors, nurses, pastors, pilots, and air hostesses, amongst others. The primary school pupils were also joined by the Rose Hall pre-schoolers, who also looked outstanding in their aspirational career uniforms.

Queen’s Young Leaders award winner and past pupil of the Rose Hall primary school Kenville Horne expressed how proud he is to be a past student of the school. He implored the youths to take their education seriously. Horne, also a reporter, spoke to the students about a career in journalism.

According to Jennis Cyrus, principal of the Rose Hall Primary School, the event was a success.

“It went very well, we had a lot of support from the parents,” said Cyrus, who further expressed thanks to all those who made the event a success.

She said she intends to make the event a yearly one and wants it to be held at a specific time when it would have most impact on the lives of the children.

“…the best time for us is in third term when they are doing their promotional development and moving to a different form, so that they could start thinking about their career,” the principal said.

The main organizers for the career day were Bernadine Stapleton, Gavonne Woodley, Nicole Collins, Carlson Ferdinand, Jimmy Allen and Denique Stapleton.