Toastmasters clubs host successful open house session
May 29, 2015

Toastmasters clubs host successful open house session

Members of three of the District 18 Toastmasters clubs hosted a successful open house last weekend, as the groups marked nine years of activity in St Vincent and the Grenadines.{{more}}

The Royal St Vincent and the Grenadines Police Force Toastmasters club, the Creative Thinkers and the Achievers Toastmasters clubs entertained prospective members at the cruise ship terminal in Kingstown, giving them a taste of what takes place during regular meetings.

Those who attended last Saturday’s event heard from district governor Inga Jackson and saw presentations by Toastmaster Glenda Matthews of the Achievers Toastmasters (Can I have one of your money?) and Toastmaster Jonathan Nicholls of the Police Toastmasters club (HIV preventative measures), as well as “table topics” and an educational presentation by the representatives of the three clubs present.

Ken Onu, motivational speaker and himself a Toastmaster, was the featured speaker at the event; he made a presentation from his Attract Freedom lecture series on overcoming adversity.

Toastmasters International was founded by Dr Ralph C Smedley in California in 1924, with the aim of empowering men to achieve their full potential through effective speaking and communication.

The organization rapidly spread throughout the world in a short space of time, and along the way, incorporated women into the membership.

Toastmasters was introduced to St Vincent and the Grenadines by Onu, his wife Franchesca, and other likeminded persons in 2005-6.

Saturday’s event was held under the theme “Nine of Ninety,” symbolic of the nine years that the organization has been in the country and the 90 years since the establishment of the international body.