Teens share community projects at Phenomenal Woman Conference
April 14, 2015

Teens share community projects at Phenomenal Woman Conference

At least one Vincentian living abroad is focused on helping teens in St Vincent and the Grenadines to make a difference in their community.

Last Friday, Vincentian born Karen Hinds hosted the second installment of her Phenomenal Women Conference for teen girls {{more}}in this country. As part of the initiative, Hinds made each girl commit to a community service project, in which they are expected to “Rock Your Nation in a Positive Way.”

After a 10-minute discussion among the groups present, the teenagers took to the stage to share their ideas with the rest of the audience.

“We are going to change St Vincent by offering free tutoring to children within our church who are weak within different subject areas, especially in math and English,” said a group of three from the Chauncey Methodist Church Youth group.

This group hopes to extend their tutoring services to their wider community, once they successfully start in their church community.

“Operation Spread the Love Around” is the initiative of three young ladies representing the Thomas Saunders Secondary School. In this project, the girls hope to help elderly persons in their community with laundry and other chores that they cannot do for themselves.

A number of other groups, which came from all areas of the country, presented a variety of projects, which included teaching their fellow youths about the importance of etiquette; providing support to drop-outs; building self-esteem; and educating civilians on the dangers of using technology irresponsibly.(BK)