Bequia Anglican Primary health fair
June 3, 2014

Bequia Anglican Primary health fair

The Bequia Anglican Primary School, a child-friendly school, held a health fair on May 29, as part of the activities for child month.{{more}}

The theme was “Healthy body mind and soul. Keep violence under control.”

This was in keeping with the theme for child month, “tolerance today for a violence free world tomorrow,” and the slogan “Let peace begin with me.”

According to a release from the school, parents were invited to participate, with one parent, Pastor Cameron Cato, delivering the opening prayer.

The activities at the fair were as follows: simple exercises were conducted in the school yard by a parent/teacher Ralph Stowe.This was followed by a skipping exercise conducted by teacher Andrew Williams. The main topic of the day was the speech about the dreaded Chikungunya disease. This informative speech was done by a parent/health educator, representing the Ministry of Health Clayton Ollivierre. Blood pressure checks and glucose testing were done by staff nurse Portia Hutchinson.

The booths presented information on: Spiritual Health, Solid Waste, Safety and Disaster Preparedness, Healthy Foods, Humour and its Health Benefits, Diseases spread by rats and mosquitoes and literacy games. The principal, staff, students and parents would like to thank everyone who helped to make the health fair a successful event.