VINSA at UWI Cave Hill honours  Pro Vice Chancellor/Principal
March 28, 2013

VINSA at UWI Cave Hill honours Pro Vice Chancellor/Principal

The Vincentian Student Association (VINSA), at the University of the West Indies Cave Hill campus, presented Pro Vice Chancellor and Principal Sir Hilary Beckles with a piece of locally made artwork{{more}}, in honour of St Vincent and the Grenadines’ National Heroes Day.

The artwork, made by Nzimbu Browne from banana fibre, displays a scene from a cricket match, one of Sir Hilary’s passions.

The presentation was also done to show appreciation to Sir Hilary for his work at ensuring indigenous students receive scholarships and to commemorate UWI Cave Hill’s 50th anniversary.

The tenure of the 2012-2013 VINSA executive ends in April.

The members of the executive thanked all the sponsors who made their work possible, including Hairoun, Liat, BOSVG, NIS, ECGC, Hanshell Innis, Mountain Top, Southy’s Barber Shop, National Lotteries Authority, Beach Front Restaurant and Bar, House of Graphics.