Former Mountain View Academy student hails benefits of hard work
September 4, 2012

Former Mountain View Academy student hails benefits of hard work

Shariel Bowman is encouraging all students to work hard and persevere so that they too can be successful.{{more}}

The 16-year-old former Mountain View Academy student says that she is elated after her outstanding performance in the recent Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) Examinations where she got all 13 subjects that she attempted.

Bowman received Grade 1s in mathematics, biology, agricultural science, English A, home economics and EDMP; Grade 2s in Spanish, chemistry, social studies, human and social biology, information technology, and Grade 3s in geography and physics.

She attributes her success to a lot of hard work and determination and is grateful for the assistance she received from her parents Gabriel and Shawn Bowman, teachers and friends.

Although she says that even her friends thought at times that she was crazy for attempting so many subjects in one sitting, they were always supportive.

Bowman said that at times the workload took its toll and she felt like giving up, particularly with the amount of School Based Assessment projects she had to get done.

But having attempted and doing as well as she did, looking back she has no regrets.

“When people would settle for nine or eight, … I guess this was a challenge for me that I have the ability.”

She further explained that she is proud of her achievement, as it was testimony that the school one attends does not matter and that anyone could be successful once they put their mind to it.

Bowman said that she is going to be pursuing a career in the medical field.

She said that because of her performance, she has obtained a partial tuition scholarship to attend the University of the Southern Caribbean in Trinidad and Tobago where she will be pursuing her four-year Bachelor of Science degree before she goes on to medical school. (DD)