A generally quiet Carnival season, says COP Miller
July 13, 2012

A generally quiet Carnival season, says COP Miller

Commissioner of Police Keith Miller has reported that Vincy Mas 2012 was “generally quiet”, with very few reported incidents.{{more}}

“It is commendable the way Vincentians and visitors conducted themselves and because of that, they made things easier for the police,” the Commissioner said on Wednesday, at a press briefing at the Police Headquarters conference room.

Miller also commended patrons who adhered to the advice of individuals and agencies that encouraged proper conduct for the carnival season.

“There were very little incidents…,” the Commissioner said.

The Commissioner also gave credit to the DJs and artistes, who he said were very respectful during their performances on the trucks, as opposed to the previous years when obscene language was used.

With regard to traffic, Miller also reported that there was a free flow and this was because motorists adhered to the rules and directions that were issued by traffic police throughout the season.

Miller also noted that the No Glass Bottle policy was also effective, as no major bottle incidents were reported.

On another note, Miller lamented that fact that there were insufficient toilet facilities during this year’s carnival season, which resulted in persons urinating in the streets and on the walls around Kingstown.

He, however, said that members of the Fire Department were engaged in washing down those areas to “get rid of the pungent stench.”

Overall, Commissioner Miller rated Vincy Mas 2012 a “successful one” in terms of law and order.

“Again we have to thank the patrons; we have to thank the revellers because if it wasn’t for their exemplary conduct, our job would have been more strenuous…” Miller said.(AA)