Greiggs community groups remember Chief Joseph Chatoyer
March 2, 2012

Greiggs community groups remember Chief Joseph Chatoyer

This year, seven of the main community groups of Greiggs will join forces in their efforts to commemorate National Heroes Day, March 14, 2012.{{more}}

The groups are The Greiggs Garifuna Council, The Greiggs Sports and Cultural Organisation, the Greiggs Rastafarian Progressive Society, The Keepers Of the Environment, The New Tribal Generation, The Greiggs Diabetic and Hypertensive Club and The Greiggs Adolescent Group. They will present a one of a kind extravaganza to commemorate the life and death of National Hero, Chief Joseph Chatoyer.

This year’s activities will comprise: (1) The establishment of a Model Garifuna Tribal Village at the Greiggs Playing Field featuring a number of bamboo huts built around a central bonfire which will be lit at sundown. Each hut will be lit with a lantern or flambeau, signifying the traditional means of illumination after dusk. (2) An Agricultural Exhibition: in addition to a display of locally processed foods and fresh produce from the community, a number of indigenous cuisines will be available at the Greiggs Entertainment Centre. (3) Cultural Package: the day’s activities will be complemented with an afternoon of pan music in collaboration with the presentation of a Talent Package from residents of the community. (4) Additionally, outstanding persons in the Greiggs community will be recognized for their contribution to the cultural landscape of Greiggs and the enrichment of its heritage. (5) Simultaneously, the Greiggs Sports and Cultural Organisation will host a Heritage Fair at the Old School Yard featuring displays through a Photo Gallery of the group’s activities among other things.

The organizations extend a hearty welcome to all Vincentians, especially those in the Greiggs and surrounding communities to participate in the events which no doubt will serve as a means of promoting the diversity and dynamism of the Garifuna Cultural Heritage.