Union Island Secondary gets gift of tools
September 17, 2010

Union Island Secondary gets gift of tools

The Union Island Secondary School received a donation of tools and equipment for the use in its Industrial Arts Programme. The tools are a donation from Raleigh Cadette, a Unionite living in Canada.{{more}} Cadette is identical twin brother of Unionite Lawyer Sylvester Raymond Cadette. The former is a retired technical vocational education teacher in Canada.

Calvin Hutchinson, also a retired technical vocational education teacher in England, handed over the tools and equipment to Renwick John, technical drawing, construction and technology education teacher at U.I.S.S. Hutchinson assists the school as a resource person in the area of Construction and Technical Drawing. It was at Hutchinson’s contact that Cadette assisted the school.

The principal wishes to extend profound thanks to Cadette and Hutchinson on behalf of the students of the Union Island Secondary School. The donation will alleviate some of the problems the school faces with a shortage of tools and equipment for its construction and technical drawing programmes.