June 22, 2010

Toastmaster to hold conference in SVG

Over 125 professionals from 16 Caribbean countries are expected to visit St. Vincent to participate in the Eight Conference of Caribbean Toastmasters.{{more}}

During the conference slated for October 15 to October 17, 2010, toastmasters from the Caribbean district (District 81) will participate in activities to be held under the theme “Teamwork Makes the Dream Work”.

At a media conference on Monday, June 14, 2010, to promote the event, toastmaster Paulette Williams said that the conference provides an opportunity to showcase St. Vincent.

Williams added that she is hoping the participants will act as ambassadors, and spread the news about what this country has to offer when they return to their homeland.

There are three Toastmasters Clubs in St. Vincent namely the Achievers Toastmasters Club, The Imperial Champions and the newly established Creative Thinkers Toastmasters Club.