Stewart attacked in public bathroom
June 18, 2010

Stewart attacked in public bathroom

Arthur Stewart is still baffled as to why he was attacked in the public bathroom just opposite the Windward Bus Terminal.{{more}}

On Monday, June 14, at about 12 noon, the 58-year-old mechanic, of Cemetery Hill, was stabbed in the back of the neck and beaten about the body.

Speaking to SEARCHLIGHT from the Male Surgical Ward at the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital on Tuesday, Stewart said he was at the public bathroom when a man asked him for some toilet paper. Stewart said he gave a bit of paper and had already turned his (Stewart) back to go to the toilet when he felt someone grab him from behind and start to beat him about the body. That man turned out to be the same man to whom he had given the toilet paper just moments before.

Stewart, whose face was badly swollen, said that he was stabbed with a pointed object during the assault.

“I don’t know why I was attacked. I don’t do people anything. He feel I just had money in a black bag I had,” a visibly aching Stewart said.

Up to press time, no one had been arrested in connection with the assault.