Saboto Caesar is South Central Windward pick
June 18, 2010

Saboto Caesar is South Central Windward pick

The constituency of South Central Windward came alive last Sunday, June 13, when hundreds of ULP supporters met to nominate the candidate whose name will go forward from the Constituency to the other stages of the candidate selection process.{{more}}

Senator Saboto Caesar, who currently holds the post of Minister of Housing, Lands and Surveys, Informal Human Settlement, Physical Planning and Local Government, was nominated unopposed.

In his acceptance speech, he outlined the positive impact of the policies and programmes of the ULP on the development of St. Vincent and the Grenadines in the last nine years. He recommitted his efforts towards being of service to the people of South Central Windward and by extension the nation, as the country moves through an extremely significant period of its development.

The former 1999 Island Scholar stated that the absence of Universal Secondary Education under the 17 years of the NDP has impacted negatively on human resource growth and development among the youth in the Constituency.

“The daily successes of the education revolution combined strategically with the efforts of civil society will go a long way in addressing this issue over the next five years under a ULP government,” he emphasized.

The 29-year-old Senator, who is also an attorney-at-law, thanked the supporters for having placed great trust and confidence in him as a candidate.

He quoted his mantra, “that our nation is in dire need of an exceptional cadre of multi-talented young persons from all walks of life, who would not only be concerned about achieving more for self only, but would focus on building stronger communities; increasing our productivity as a people; and the further integration of our economy and society with the sister states of the sub-region and the region, so as to have an impact on making this world a better place.”

Caesar is confident that “as a matter of absolute certainty, South Central Windward is a bastion for the Unity Labour Party and most definitely in the next general elections, it shall remain.”

The gathering also heard addresses from General Secretary of the Party, Senator Julian Francis, and the Chairman of the Constituency, Denniston Douglas.