Clare Valley school gets DVD-VCR
In the next few years the pupils of the Clare Valley Government School will have enhanced communication skills as a communication centre is being developed for the school.
“The purpose of the centre is to enhance the students’ speaking and communication skills, Principal of the school Inola Charles told SEARCHLIGHT.{{more}}
She stated that at present one of the biggest problems with the students is that of listening. According to her, the teachers sometimes experience difficulty getting the students to listen and because of this, they are working together in improving this area. On Tuesday, the Human Resources Manager of the Ridge View Construction (SVG Ltd) Jeneva John donated a DVD and VCR player to the school on behalf of the company.
Speaking to SEARCHLIGHT, John stated that the donation of the equipment is part of the company’s commitment to assist children, the disabled and the women’s groups that exist in the country.
“When we received the request from the school we decided to make a donation to them and this is also our way of giving back to the community,” John told SEARCHLIGHT.
As part of their continuing drive to establish the centre, the school will be hosting a fair at the school to purchase a public address system and also to help in upgrading the library. The school has also planned a reading competition for April 5 followed by a public speaking competition later this year.