Vincy dialect studied
April 15, 2005

Vincy dialect studied

The Vincentian creole was the subject of study when the Evangelical Association of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, (EAC-SVG) held a language workshop at Paradise Inn from the March 30-31 under the theme, “Vincy Twang.” {{more}}

The historic seminar was facilitated by linguistic consultant Ken Decker and saw presentations made by Winston Lavia and Jeanette Russell of the Sandy Bay Gospel Chapel and Literacy for Leadership respectively. They also looked at the use of computer technology in the teaching of English as a second language. Winston runs a successful reading centre for children and adults at the church in Sandy Bay.

Coming out of this process, the EAC-SVG continues with its project of developing an audio-visual tape of Bible stories in the Vincy Twang with the help of the Paynes, a young Texan couple from the Summer Institute for Linguistics, Summer Institute of Linguistics SIL International.

A task force was formed to assist the EAC-SVG in writing the Vincy Twang. Interested persons can contact the EAC SVG President, John Lewis or the Secretary, Pastor, Verrol Blake.