Dr. Gonsalves: No unfair advantage
April 1, 2005

Dr. Gonsalves: No unfair advantage

As the Constitution Review Commission held its public launching ceremony, Prime Minister Dr. Ralph Gonsalves has reiterated that his government would not seek any unfair advantage by calling a referendum prior to the staging of the next general elections. {{more}}

Speaking before a near full Methodist Church Hall, attended by a wide cross section of the Vincentian public Dr. Gonsalves stressed that good policy is good politics and in jest said that the people may decide to re-elect the government which started the process of constitutional review. He mused that the opposition, represented at the head table by Opposition Leader Arnhim Eustace may argue in turn that since the opposition had co-operated with the process that the people should give them the chance to carry the process forward. The question is, he stated rhetorically, is which argument would be more persuasive. This brought a smile from Eustace, who had had his turn at addressing the forum earlier.

The Prime Minister told the hall, which saw a full turn out of all commissioners involved in the Review process, that the government does not intend to increase the number of seats before the election. This because the CRC has recommended that the number of seats in Parliament be increased.