Henderson to play for Rotary Club
March 24, 2005

Henderson to play for Rotary Club

After wooing Vincentians with her smooth vocal and flute performance at the Blues Festival last January, Michele Henderson is coming back.

Henderson will perform at the Iguana this Saturday 23 at what has been dubbed an evening of cocktails and performances as a guest of the Rotay Club of St. Vincent.{{more}}

Rotary extended this invitation to Michele Henderson to perform this time around as part of their centennial celebrations, which are ongoing. The Club said that the proceeds from this concert are to aid Rotary charity projects.

The petite Dominican, known for her multiple talents as a writer, flautist and vocalist has been growing on Caribbean audiences through her command performances at Dominica’s Creole Festival, St. Lucia’s Jazz Festival among others.

Given her acclaim while here for Blues Fest ‘05, one would expect Henderson to have a sell out show this Saturday at the Igauna.