Dr. Cyrus gives orders to cops
March 4, 2005

Dr. Cyrus gives orders to cops

Dr. Cecil Cyrus is one of this country’s most dynamic personalities: creative, innovative and intuitive. He displayed those elements and more in a systematic and straightforward presentation last week Thursday at the 24th Passing Out Parade of Recruits at the Old Montrose Police Station. {{more}}

Dr. Cyrus, a noted and experienced surgeon, is the curator of a Museum, writer of numerous books and researcher of immense calibre.

The 45 recruits were treated to a real life lecture in a variety of spheres. And if they pay heed to the slightest iota of what Dr. Cyrus had to offer, their stint as Police officers, or in life for that matter ought to be of some value.

Dr. Cyrus delivered ten points which he dubbed a ‘code for living.” The lessons will be worthwhile for anyone, no matter what stage of advancement.

He advised: “Let careful thought precede your every action, and refrain from deeds that will cause you and other s pain and misery.”

He urged “control “ of passions and appetites, and for show of moderation for “ Self-control is the foundation of a good life.”

Dr. Cyrus, a model of Vincentian accomplishment, has stood the test of time and stands as a beacon of this nation’s ambitious spirit. His concern for the maintenance of law and order in the society, perhaps numbers him among the ‘old fashioned.’ Cyrus pointed out his love for St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and he chose as the theme of his address: “a road strewn with thorns.”

To endorse his commitment to his task: Dr. Cyrus has appointed himself: “custodian” of this nation’s “few rich values and virtue.”

It was in that backdrop that he gave his Ten Commandments.

“Try to be gentle and return insult with a smile, and the pain of assault, verbal or physical with stoic forbearance, where judicious however difficult it may be,” Dr Cyrus went on.

He asked the recruits to be tolerant, considerate and kind to everyone, “regardless of their social or professional status.’

Expanding on an aspect irritating to him, Dr. Cyrus chastised those with a tendency to be hasty.

“Do not judge until you have heard all sides of a story, for prejudice is a corrosive poison,” he warned.

The medical practitioner, originally from the central Leeward Town of Layou, asked the new Security Officers to be “efficient” in their operations, and while paying attention to detail: “act with promptness, method and resolution.”

The Doctor stressed on honesty forbade the temptation of “bribery and corruption.”

“Do not be afraid to press on in all matters for the common good, however unpopular tour decision may be, for assurance that you authority and are fighting for the right, will give added strength.”

Dr. Cyrus, one never known to be haughty, instilled the virtue of “grace and humility” to his listeners, and reminded them to be “accountable to every citizen.”

And one who has gone through the chores of life, Cr. Cyrus emphasised the values of “self-analysis. “This is the vital key to self-improvement.” Dr. Cyrus went on.