St Lucia to raise EC$52m. on RGSM
The Government of St. Lucia will raise EC$52 million through the issue of a 91-day, EC$25 million Treasury bill and a 365-day, EC$27 million Treasury bill.
The treasury bills will be issued via competitive uniform priced auctions on the Regional Government Securities Market (RGSM) using the ECSE Primary Market Platform. {{more}}
No taxes are payable on the income from these bills.
Bidding for the 91-day Treasury bill will be opened from 9 a.m. to 12 noon on Thursday, February 3. The minimum bid amount will be EC$5,000 and the maximum discount rate that will be accepted by the Government is 5.25%.
One week later, bidding for the 365-day Treasury bill will be opened from 9 a.m. to 12 noon on Thursday, February 10. The minimum bid amount will be EC$5,000 and the maximum discount rate that will be accepted by the Government is 5.50%.