Speaker happy with cool House
If anyone loses their cool in the House of Assembly again, it would have to be something real hot to trigger them off. Conditions have considerably cooled with the installation of an air condition unit. {{more}}
Hendrick Alexander, Speaker of the House, admitted to being âexcitedâ with the development at the opening last Wednesday.
The Prime Minister, though, rather lightheartedly announced that he was the only one in favour of the natural conditions saying he would have
preferred the House with all its “discomfort”.
He conceded that he liked modern amenities, but that the natural environment produced a certain traditional type of setting.
Dr. Gonsalves agreed that the House was meeting more often and for longer hours, hence the rationale for the cooling unit.
A total of $150,000 was allocated in the estimates for the provision of the facility, but the Prime Minister said that $87,000 was spent.