Taiwanese donate to prisons
December 10, 2004

Taiwanese donate to prisons

The embassy of the Republic of China on Taiwan on December 1st made two donations to Her Majesty’s Prison of two pots and a cheque for EC$300, toward the institution’s annual Christmas concert. {{more}}

Assistant Superinten-dent of Prisons Linus Goodluck thanked the Taiwanese Embassy for its positive response to the prisons.

Madam Chu said her government is always happy to help the people of St. Vincent and the Grenadines in any way and said this donation expresses the sentiments and feelings of the Taiwanese people for the benefit and good virtue of the prisoners.

Meanwhile, the Embassy of Taiwan has also presented two cheques valued at US$1000 to assist the offspring Elson Richardson, the policeman who was murdered mid-November.

Commissioner of Police William Harry said that the police community is grateful to the Ambas-sador and people of the Republic of China on Taiwan for their assistance to the families. He also said that their donation is evidence of the embassy’s commitment to help the institution in every possible way.