Mounsey given training award
Dennis O. Mounsey, a former employee of the Central Water and Sewerage Authority, who attained the position of chief supervisor (now called superintendent) before leaving for the United States, was recently honoured for outstanding services. {{more}}
At a joint annual conference sponsored by the Chesapeake Water Environment Association and the Water and Waste Operators Association (W.W.O.A.) of Maryland, Delaware and Washington D.C., which was held at the Clarion Fontainebleau Hotel in Ocean City, Maryland, USA, in July, Mounsey was awarded the Stanley Kappe Training Award.
The award is given to individuals who have contributed immeasurable time, energy and resources beyond their normal job duties to provide educational and vocational training to environmental systems professionals.
At present, Mounsey is the Chairman of the Education Committee of W.W.O.A. of Maryland, Delaware and Washington D.C.
Recently Mounsey wrote a plant specification training manual for wastewater plant operators, which was submitted to the Maryland Department of the Environment (M.D.E.). The manual was accepted and approved with the required C.E.U. (continuing education units).