Chamber relief fund helps Grenadians
September 17, 2004

Chamber relief fund helps Grenadians

The St.Vincent and the Grenadines Chamber of Industry and Commerce continues to do its part in helping hurricane ravaged Grenada get back on its feet.
During a press conference held last Tuesday at the chamber’s conference room, Public Relations Officer at the Chamber Jerry George said although they have delivered over EC$100,000 in supplies to Grenada, they were still appealing to persons to donate. {{more}}
The press conference was held to update the public on what has happened in respect of the Grenada Relief Appeal, which was set up last Thursday.
Dubbed Operation Grenada Relief, the entire operation was co-ordinated by the Chamber of Industry and Commerce with the majority of groups being assembled in about 48 hours.
Ten members of The St.Vincent and the Grenadines Cadet Corps along with Captain Phillip Cambridge journeyed to Grenada onboard the MV Glenconner to help with the transportation and delivery of the supplies.
Captain Cambridge said that from his observation, Grenadians are in great need of water and food. “They are craving for food and water,” he said.
Wilfred Dederer who helped run the operation from Bequia thanked the Bequia people for assisting with the relief effort. He mentioned Sylvester Simmons, whom he said provided a room to store the supplies. The Bequia Tourism Association also came in for high praises. Dederer said that five truckloads of goods were collected and shipped.
PRO George added that donations were still being welcomed as the exercise is a continous one. The Chamber is looking to send a ship with supplies back to Grenada this weekend.
Among the items needed in Grenada are toiletries, baby stuff, bottled water, and flour.