July 2, 2004

10 to challenge Princess Monique

The race for the 2004 calypso crown hits the final stretch Sunday night with 11 contenders. Ten of them emerged from a crisp semi-final show last Friday.
Kenneth ‘Vibrating Scakes’ Alleyne opens Sunday’s contest with ‘Sing calypso from your heart,’ and ‘I aint washing me foot until you show me yo hand’. Fitzroy ‘Brother Ebony’ Joseph follows with ‘Day time Saints and Nighttime Devils,’ and ‘Everything will be alright.’ Aloma ‘Fatty Dan’ Cadogan has ‘Age is honour,’ and ‘Instrument of liberation,’ followed by Earl ‘Exposer’ Isles with ‘Ultimate force,’ and ‘Dr. Gunzie say.’{{more}}
Adolph ‘I-Come’ Miller fills into the fifth position with his songs ‘Disadvantage not a cent’, and ‘Popsicle’.
Reigning monarch ‘Princess Monique’ Hector slots into sixth with numbers ‘Fifteen talking Heads,’ and ‘Political commentary unwanted.’ The other survivors from the semifinal were Glenroy ‘Sulle’ Caesar; ‘Self-search’ and ‘Bring out we culture,’ Errol ‘d man Age’ Rose: ‘Keep the politics out the carnival’ and ‘Them fellas smoking too,’ and Pat Ralph; ‘All we need is love,’ and ‘Woman.” Kenrick ‘Bum-E’ Bowens: ‘Back to barbarian Days’, and ‘Calypso tragedy,’ and Robert ‘Patches’ Knights; Strength’ and ‘Family’ complete the cast.
The Royal St. Vincent and the Grenadines Police Band will accompany them. Semifinals as most aspects of any Vincentian carnival was not without controversy. The final list is often a topic of debate. And this year was so. Those omitted were Grantley ‘Ipa’ Constance, Cecile ‘Little Bit’ Murray, Blogo, Sonny Banks, Elvis ‘Abijah’ Abbey, Vincent ‘Groovy D’ Kennedy, Alexis ‘Lexie’ Joseph, Quintin ‘Toiler’ Toby, Selwyn ‘Man Jinny’ Delpesche, and Super Links.