June 18, 2004

College students to show work

Community College graduate students in A-Level Art and Design will be exhibiting their work at the Alliance Francaise from Friday, June 18.
The theme of the exhibition is: “New Perspective, New Vision”. The students are the first group to graduate from the UK Cambridge A-Level art programme offered at the College.{{more}}
The exhibition will be the first public viewing of the artwork and is intended to promote the high artistic and technical standard of the work, and increase opportunities for the students through scholarships, sales and sponsorship.
Art lecturer at the Community College, Vonnie Roudette, sees the exhibition as part of an important process of informing public and government officials of the vast potential of art and design as a subject worth developing, for career opportunities, for the youth as well as for national cultural development.
The exhibition, comprising more than 70 pieces, will run until July 9.