Central Leeward poised for take off
May 28, 2004

Central Leeward poised for take off

Central Leeward, home of three of the mainland’s most sheltered, attractive and environmentally healthy beaches, seems set to take advantage of the thrust in tourism.
That’s how chairman of the National Properties Victor Hadley views the area. Hadley, a former Windwards Islands off spinner, outlined plans for the future development of the National Properties Limited. {{more}}
Those include a 200-room hotel at the southern beach at Mt Wynne, as well as a Spa. A Golf Course, from Mt Wynne to Peters Hope, has been part of the outline of schemes for the area, and Hadley is hoping to sell house spots in a 230-acre plot.
Hadley commended the area and the beach facilities as assets, and he is also hoping to take advantage of yachting potential.
Hadley is also looking at having the Peters Hope area landscaped and the beach properly cared for. He is hoping to get local investors interested in setting up a hotel in the area.
The National Properties would not be limiting themselves to properties only. Hadley referred to the trade of bananas to neighbouring Barbados, and he is looking to a similar set in Trinidad and Tobago and Antigua /Barbuda.
Hadley also spoke of the setting up of a farmers market, which he said would be designed to “help farmers market their crops.”
The National Properties owns the Campden Park and Diamond Industrial Estates, the controversial Ottley Hall Marina, and the Cobble Stone Inn.