Building on the foundation set by those before us
Mr Colin O John,
Commissioner of Police
“Forty is a peak time to reassess our values,” Clinical psychologist and author Tricia Wolanin.
St Vincent and the Grenadines has achieved another significant milestone; that of celebrating its 40th Anniversary of political independence from Great Britain. On behalf of myself, my family and all Ranks of the Royal St Vincent and the Grenadines Police Force, we extend a heartfelt congratulation to the Government and people of St Vincent and the Grenadines.
The Royal St Vincent and the Grenadines Police Force is making use of this glorious opportunity to reflect and renew at forty (40). We reflect on the structure of the Organisation, as we implement new methods to make this noble Organisation more efficient to combat the challenges of this technological age effectively.
We are renewing our methods of operation to ensure that the citizens and visitors to St Vincent and the Grenadines are not only safe, but that the perception is that St Vincent and the Grenadines is indeed safe.
As we enter the 11th month of the year, we have seen a general decrease in crimes; also in murders. However, we are mindful of the fact that we have to also stay “switched on” and take as many proactive measures as possible to prevent, detect and prosecute crimes. The citizens of St Vincent and the Grenadines generally hate evil and love good. This is evident by the fact that the law breakers are a significant minority. The citizens have been supportive of the police and have been by and large their brother’s keeper. For this, I say thank you to the Vincentian Public for their continued support to the Royal St Vincent and the Grenadines Police.
The number 40 was mentioned 146 times in the scriptures. It symbolizes a period of testing. Moses spent 40 years in the wilderness after spending 40 years in Egypt. Moses was also on Mount Sinai for 40 days, on two separate occasions, once when he received the Laws from Almighty God.
As a Police Force we have been tested and continue to be tested in many ways as different types of crimes evolve – for instance money laundering and human trafficking and the new methods and techniques criminals use to commit crimes. An unscrupulous person can stay at the North Pole and empty the bank account of another person in St Vincent and the Grenadines. We therefore have to adjust to meet the changing times, which challenges us today.
St Vincent and the Grenadines can also boast of the best run Financial Intelligence Unit in the OECS. Additionally, our country has formulated and adopted a National Action Plan to combat human trafficking which has redounded to SVG receiving a tier two ranking on the US State Department Global Trafficking in Persons Report for 2019.
We have made a deliberate effort to prevent crime. Some methods used are the DARE programme, Police Youth Club, crime prevention exhibitions, Pan Against Crime, Police on the Beat programme and most recently, the sports against crime initiative.
The Royal St Vincent and the Grenadines Police Force has built on the foundation that was set by illustrious warriors who have left an indelible mark on the organisation over the past 40 years and before. Their contribution is deeply appreciated.
I wish to thank the other Government Departments and Ministries for their support and cooperation. A heartfelt thanks to the Embassies and Ambassadors, especially the Taiwanese Embassy for contributing directly and significantly to the Police Department in the form of eight SUVs and two motorcycles, valued $806,450.00. We are very appreciative and look forward to the continued assistance.
As we parade to prosperity and mark each milestone, let us as a nation and as a Police Force continue to give thanks with a grateful heart for all of the blessings that the Almighty God has bestowed upon us. Morning by morning new blessing and goodness we see great is thy faithfulness.
May the Almighty God continue to pour his blessings in our direction.
Happy 40th birthday, St Vincent and the Grenadines!