We are all our brother’s keepers
Message from His Excellency Sir Frederick N. Ballantyne, G.C.M.G., MD – Governor-General of St. Vincent and the Grenadines
My fellow Vincentians, it is a great honor and privilege for me to address you on this significant milestone of our Nationâs development, the 30th Anniversary of our Independence. The raising of a new flag on midnight 26th October, 1979, was a salute to the Vincentian warriors who gallantly fought against overwhelming odds to free this nation from the bondage of slavery and colonialism.{{more}}
Sadly, today, many of these warriors are forgotten and only the names of the outstanding politicians seem to be prominent in our memory.
But they were only the Generals leading the battle, ably supported by dedicated men and women from humble background like my parents and yours who worked diligently to educate their children, tilling the fields, cleaning the houses, pulling the seines, all in an effort to build this beautiful country of ours.
Sadly, the story of many of these warriors has never been told or not repeated often enough, resulting in a young population who are unaware of their struggles and who do not fully appreciate the true significance of Independence.
I was fortunate enough as a young man to witness that important period of our development when our new flag was raised to the thunderous applause of the large crowd gathered at Victoria Park. I was truly overcome with emotions at that moment.
Today, thirty years later on Independence Day I celebrate with the Nation the significant gains we have made as a people.
We have produced scholars, tradesmen, musicians and artists who have excelled not only locally but internationally. We have made outstanding progress in Education, Housing and Health Care Delivery and have impacted significantly on the prevalence of poverty in our island State.
Unfortunately, because of our small size and global economic forces, we have fallen short in accomplishing all of our goals. But as a resourceful and determined people we will like our forefathers overcome the numerous obstacles which we now face.
Today as we proceed on the journey of the next thirty years and beyond, it is my fervent hope that somehow we as a people can unite for the common good and denounce all the forces which seek to keep us divided.
I especially pray for all those who seek for their own selfish gains to destroy the peace and harmony of our Blessed Land, especially those prone to violence and iniquity. May God heal their wicked minds and help them to harness their energies towards assisting us in building this nation.
I pray that our progress may serve as an inspiration for us to remain focused on the ultimate goal of our Nation to improve the livelihood of all of our citizens.
Our Nation is founded on our belief in God who teaches that we are all our brotherâs keepers and as one people working together we can make all our dreams come true.
May you have a safe and blessed Anniversary filled with Godâs richest Blessings.