Treatment of early stage prostate cancer
Over the last few weeks I was discussing prostate cancer. Last session, I discussed the principles of treating prostate cancer. This week, I will discuss the treatment of early stage prostate cancer, using typical examples of men who come to the office. In other words, I’m not discussing an actual patient, I’m just using the example of a typical patient. Letâs call this patient Mr John James. Here is his story.{{more}}
The results of the test showed a small cancerous growth in one area of the left side of his prostate. There was no evidence of microscopic spread and the cancer was not the aggressive type. I discussed the results with his wife and daughter and it was agreed that he could wait for a few months until he got the money he needed to go overseas to have radiation seeds implanted into his prostate. He made this decision with my advice, as he did not want to have surgery because he was afraid of surgery, as his father had died after surgery for bowel cancer at age 76, ten years ago, in the US.
He was placed on a pill to “keep his cancer under controlâ until he got the money for the radiation seeds. Six months later, he travelled to Trinidad and had the seeds implanted. Today, he is doing well. He has no problems controlling his urine and his erection problem, which he had for four months after the seed implant is almost completely resolved; however, he still uses Viagra every “now and thenâ. It has been 18 months since his seed implant and his PSA is now 0.14ng/ml and most likely will continue like this for another five to 10 years.
Mr James was not offered any of the experimental treatments because they are only available in North America and Europe and because of his age, I advised him to have effective and curative treatment. Next week, we will look at another case.
For comments or question contact:
Dr Rohan Deshong
Tel: (784) 456-2785