You just cant BEET it!
Kitchen Corner
December 11, 2018

You just cant BEET it!

Beet and Berry Liver Cleanse Juice

You will need:
2 medium beets
2 cups blueberries
1 apple
2 large carrots
1/2 cup raw broccoli
1 whole lemon
2 inch knob ginger,
skin removed
1/2 – 1 cup pure
coconut water

Chop beets, apples, carrots, lemon, and ginger into 1” cubes. Feed through your juicer (per the instructions), alternating small amounts of blueberries between the other ingredients.  Midway through, pour a portion of coconut water through (1/4 – 1/2 cup) to help clean and push pulp through.  Continue feeding everything through, finishing with enough coconut water to bring the juice to a total of 4 cups.

Tip – You can use a blender as well. Blue berries are sold frozen at quite a few supermarkets, with brands ranging from high to low prices.

Metabolism Booster

You will need:
2 green apples
1 small cucumber
1 small beetroot
1/4 lemon/lime
1/2 inch ginger

Cut everything into small cubes. Place in blender or juicer, quarter cup at a time, until everything is blended. If it is too thick, you can add some water. Makes about 2 glasses.
Tip – Cut recipe in half if you don’t want to make that much.