There’s always room for Jello
Kitchen Corner
October 17, 2017

There’s always room for Jello

As usual, I like to throw in something cool for the kids. These are great ideas for birthday party treats.

Jello filled Watermelon

You will need:

1 mini watermelon

2 (6 oz) boxes of cherry Jello mix or any red/pink Jello flavour of your choice

Measuring cup


Spoon or ice cream scoop

Large mixing bowl

Paper towels


Slice the mini watermelon in half. Remove the watermelon from the inside. You don’t have to throw away the watermelon. Enjoy it as usual. Using paper towels, dry off the inside of each watermelon half. Prepare the two boxes of Jello, mixing according to the directions on the box in a large mixing bowl. Pour the bowl of prepared Jello mixture into the hollowed out watermelon halves. Put the jello filled watermelon halves in the refrigerator. Place some paper towels underneath them, just in case they spill. Let the watermelon sit in the refrigerator for 6 hours, or until it is completely firm. Remove the watermelon and slice it into pieces! NOTE: slice thick pieces! If the slices are too thin, the jello won’t stand up tall (it will flop over).

Avengers Jello Treats

You will need:


1 (3 oz) box of grape Jello (or any purple Jello)

1 (3 oz) box of lime Jello (or any green Jello)

2 cups hot water

2 cups cold water

Iron Man

1 (3 oz) box of strawberry Jello (or any red Jello)

1 (3 oz) box of pineapple Jello (or any yellow Jello)

2 cups hot water

2 cups cold water

Captain America

1 (3 oz) box of strawberry Jello (or any red Jello)

1 (3 oz) box of blue raspberry Jello (or any blue Jello)

2 cups hot water

2 cups cold water


Boil one cup of water. Add first Jello box (Grape for Hulk, Strawberry for Iron Man and Captain America). Stir for 2 minutes until Jello is completely dissolved. Stir in 1 cup of cold water. Pour evenly into 4 cups per super hero (If you are doing all three, you’ll pour in 12 cups). Set up in fridge for 3-4 hours. Repeat for second Jello layer (Lime for Hulk, Pineapple for Iron Man, Blue Raspberry for Captain America). Stir for 2 minutes until Jello is completely dissolved. Stir in 1 cup of cold water. Make sure liquid is cold to the touch. Pour over first Jello in cups. Let set up in fridge for an additional 3-4 hours. Then enjoy.