Our best days are ahead of us
Independence Message
of The Honourable Dr. Godwin Friday, Leader of the Opposition, October 27, 2024
Fellow Vincentians, friends,
Greetings and best wishes as we celebrate the 45th anniversary of national independence. This year’s theme of ‘Togetherness, Prosperity and Perseverance’ encourages us to unite and be proud of our country’s notable accomplishments, its beauty and its culture. And while we acknowledge the serious challenges we faced; we nevertheless hold fast to the promise of a better future.
Today, we are reminded to be grateful to those who came before us and laid the foundation of our nation. Too often we take them for granted. The culture and progress they fostered, and the values they instilled in us make us a strong, generous and welcoming people. We continue to build on that foundation and to strive to be better.
Despite the challenges that confront us daily, as proud Vincentians we persevere. No matter the difficult circumstances, we must never doubt ourselves or think that our best days are behind us. Within us, we hold both the power and the desire to create an even better nation and make manifest the fruits of our independence.
We live in a land of extraordinary beauty and promise. Our people are diligent and resourceful. With our natural intelligence and willingness to work hard, we can shape our own destiny for the better. Our rich culture stems from how openly we embrace diversity and incorporate modes and ideas, both old and new. And, above all, we have faith in God.
Over the years, these qualities have served us well.
Recently, they moved us to rally together in aid of the communities devastated by Hurricane Beryl, especially the southern Grenadines. We understand we are our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers. So, when faced with adversity such as Hurricane Beryl and a government slow in its response, we rise to the challenge and look after one another.
I believe in our country. I envision an SVG where our children’s prospects are brighter than our own; where there is equal opportunity for all—not just the chosen few. But to deliver that future we stand together like never before, with unyielding determination and abiding hope. That is in our national DNA, as the lineage of Chatoyer and those who fought to defend our sovereignty despite overwhelming odds.
Today, we celebrate 45 years of independence and we must keep our eyes on the horizon, for there are better days to come. Everywhere I travel across our country, I am encouraged by the people I meet as they seek to turn the page and enter a new era of good governance and prosperity. We owe it to ourselves, and even more so, to each other, to pursue that objective tirelessly, no matter the obstacles we encounter.
My colleagues and I face the same challenges you do. We shop in the same stores, lamenting the outrageous cost of groceries, household goods, electricity, gas and other essentials— prices that seem only to go up. We drive and walk the same broken roads and pay the mechanic or the doctor, to repair the resulting damage.
Also, far too many people have had to reach into their meagre savings or call on loved ones abroad to repair their homes and businesses damaged by the Soufriere eruption and by Hurricane Beryl. More urgent government assistance is needed. Relief must come. And government has a necessary role to play. We should never accept a government that makes light of such an important responsibility. We deserve better.
A good government will put people’s needs first. When things spiral out of control such as the frequent killings that shock our community, action must be taken to reassure the community. When, despite our hard work and best efforts, we cannot make ends meet because of rapidly rising cost of living, something must be done to assist people. I, therefore, continue to urge the government to take action to bring relief from the high cost of living. Such measures should include reducing VAT to 13 percent, paying bonuses to public sector workers and persons on public assistance, introducing VAT-free shopping days to make things more affordable for the new school year and during the holidays; and lowering the threshold for public servants who benefit from import duty concessions to make it affordable for more to purchase vehicles. Such measures would put money back in people’s pockets and ease the cost-of-living crisis. As we consider the benefits of national independence, we must be restless in our desire to see them multiplied and reach people all over our land. Our people deserve change for the better, that improves living standards, reduces crime, ensure good healthcare and guarantee decent roads. After many years of striving to build our nation, it remains the duty of all of us to heed our proud legacy and to apply ourselves earnestly, with love and caring for one another, to the task of nation-building and realizing the hope and high ambitions that Milton Cato and other forebears entered the era of national independence with 45 years ago. We must never lose hope. Know that our best days are yet to come and that we will make it happen for ourselves.
Happy Independence to everyone here in SVG and to our friends and relatives in our far-flung diaspora.
May God continue to bless our beautiful nation.