Olive Eugenia Stewart
In Memoriam/Acknowledgement
June 26, 2020
In Memoriam – Olive Eugenia Stewart
Olive Eugenia Stewart
Sion Hill, Kingstown
Birth: April 1, 1933
Death: June 28th, 2019
It’s a year, ‘Mother’. It is true: ‘Time waits on no one’. Nevertheless, while we acknowledge that time indeed flies, we cannot but remember. Our memories of you will never die. What a woman you were, ‘Mother!’ What a woman you are!
Your children: Michael, Amos, Joel, Dallis, Raphael, Petrona, Michelle and Indra, all your grandchildren, great grandchildren, relatives and friends remember you fondly and dedicate this verse of Scripture in thanksgiving to God for your eternal repose:
‘Many women have done admirable things,
but you surpass them all’ (Prov. 31:29)