My 14-year-old boyfriend wants me to have sex to prove that I love him
Hey Rosie!
December 16, 2022

My 14-year-old boyfriend wants me to have sex to prove that I love him

Hi Rosie,

I’m 12 and my boyfriend is 14. We have been going out for about 9 months. Everything was great until last month when he wants us to have sex. Rosie, I said no and he said I should prove to him how committed I am to the relationship. If not he’ll know my answer and will have to move to someone who can meet his needs. What should I do, Rosie? I love him and I want him in my life! Help me please.

Forcing me

Dear Forcing me,

My girl, you are smarter than that! You KNOW your worth and I’m going to encourage you to stick to you grounds… It’s a strong NO!

He wants someone to meet his needs? Please!! You are 12 and a child and he’s also a child at 14! What kind of “needs” is he looking for? He better just stop the foolishness as this can also become a legal issue as well. Again… Please! All that big chat is to make you feel bad, never fall for it – EVER!

Could you imagine if you gave in, got pregnant or even worse a disease? Oh no miss, we aren’t having any of that.

The thing is, take a look at him and see if this is someone who you would even consider a true friend. Maybe parting ways may not be the worse thing, you are worth much more than this obnoxious offer.

Remember if other people are doing it that doesn’t make it right. So stand strong sister girl. You never have to give into the pressure!


Send questions to Rosie at: or PO Box 152, Kingstown, St Vincent & the Grenadines